Backer Rod. (1/2” & 3/4”)
Sure Clean *VANA TROL* (by Prosoco) *[Masonry Brick, Block, Rock Cleaner]*
Plastic foundation vents
Wall ties:
1. Type(3) anchor strap, (4”)-triangle *[Residential]
2. Type(2) anchor strap, (4”)-triangle *[Residential]
3. (22g.) galvanized corrugated *Wall-ties* [Commercial]
4. (22g.) *Hot-Dipped. galvanized corrugated
Stucco Staples
*Tie Wire
Mortar(green)/Cavity Net(blue)
Sure Clean *600* (by Prosoco) *[Masonry Brick, Block, Rock Cleaner]* 1GL.
Cast aluminum foundation vents
Mortar(green)/Cavity Net(blue)
Epoxy *(LiquidRoc500+)
Scaffolding Assembly *Pins ( pigtail, toggle, spring clip)
Expansion/Control Joints (for *Block)
Sure Clean *600* (by Prosoco) *[Masonry Brick, Block, Rock Cleaner]* 5GL.
Stamped Aluminum and Foundation vents
Expansion/Control Joints (for *Block)
(7”) coupling Pin with NO collar
- (7”) coupling Pin WITH collar
Nail(s): 1/2” *Roofing Nails , *6-D common nails
Nail(s): 3”, 3 1/2”, 5” *Roofing Nails & 1/2” Concrete Nails
we've got them all!